Many of us may struggle with the feeling that the church is already too old-fashioned. If so, why should we study church history? Shouldn’t we stop looking backward to the sixteenth century and start living in the twenty-first century? Contrary to our concerns, the church has always realized that a forward-looking church is also a […]
In this chapter we have the first biblical reference to mourning for the dead and burial. Sarah is also the only woman whose age is recorded in the Scriptures; she was one hundred twenty-seven years old. The marriage of Abraham and Sarah is the first godly marriage the Bible unfolds for us. Sarah had been […]
Genesis 24 is the longest chapter in the book of Genesis. In it, the same story is told twice—once as it happens and once as it is reported by Abraham’s servant. God’s testing of Abraham is now complete, and we see the focus shift from the patriarch to his son, Isaac. Redemptive history is beginning […]
Are you ready to meet Him? Are you ready to meet the One like the Son of Man? Are you read for the Day of Judgment? Are you are ready for the end of the world? Are you ready to meet Jesus Christ at His second coming? Revelation 14:14 begins in the same way as […]
In my previous articles on Bavinck’s doctrine of the covenant and election, I took something of a detour in my exposition of his Reformed Dogmatics. Rather than turning to Bavinck’s treatment of the doctrine of creation, which deals with the first of the triune God’s works in the realization of his sovereign counsel or decree […]
In a very enjoyable gathering, close to forty ministers from all over the continent met together for the first URCNA Ministers’ Conference. The theme of the conference was focused upon the necessity of humility in the pastorate. It began on the evening of May 12 with an address by Dr. Joel Beeke, the President of […]
Joshua 24:15 is a very popular verse used in evangelistic meetings to call people to “choose” God, to make a personal “decision” for Christ. Joshua 24 tells us that Joshua gathers God’s people Israel at Shechem before his death for a renewal of God’s covenant with them. Going back just one verse sheds much light […]
They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because He is Lord of lords and King or kings—and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers. –Revelation 17:14 Contrary to what you may read in the newspaper and the way everything seems today, the world is not out […]
This is the second half of an article reprinted from the July-August 1968 issue of The Outlook (then known as the Torch and Trumpet) in commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. in April, 1951. The deliberations and decisions of Dort The synodical sessions were officially opened with appropriate ceremonies […]
If a comparison between peaceful images of Puritan families gathered around the table and your own family rushing through endless daily activities as you are juggling teething babies and sleepy teenagers makes you want to dismiss the thought of family worship, don’t despair. Pictures of Puritans families are just that—pictures. The Puritans had teething babies […]