Gratitude to God

“Oh that men would praise Jehovah for His lovingkindness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men.” (Psalm 107) Readers in Canada have just finished celebrating Thanksgiving Day; those in the United States anticipate celebrating the holiday at the end of November, It may serve us well to ask ourselves the question as to […]

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Zacharias Ursinus (II)

In September of 1561, Ursinus arrived in Heidelberg. By the spring of 1562, he was doing some preaching and some teaching at Sapience College, a seminary that was set up by the elector to train men as pastors for the Palatinate. This would be the place where Fredrick III would have his theologian work. The […]

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Defining Roman Catholicism and Protestantism Alert readers may have noticed that in the opening article we did not abbreviate the Church of Rome with the term “Catholicism.” The adjective “Roman” is important for this series because its aim is to describe the historic and ongoing differences between Protestants and Rome. Consequently, Roman Catholicism has a […]

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RYS Convention 2008

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is His good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2) Romans 12:2 was the theme verse for this year’s RYS Convention at beautiful lakeside […]

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Examining the Nine Points: Points Five and Six

With these points Synod struck at what is perhaps the fundamental error of the Federal Vision (FV), which the Nine Points has already addressed in principle in the preface. This is also perhaps the most difficult aspect of the FV theology to grasp. Essentially what the FV movement has done is to set up two […]

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Letters to the Editor Concerning Statements Made by R. S. Clark

Dear Editor, For the benefit of your readers please allow me to distance myself from a flagrant misrepresentation of my position on the relation between faith and justification that appeared on p. 22 of the July/August issue of The Outlook. R. Scott Clark attributes to me the view that “faith justifies because it trusts and […]

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