No Condemnation

“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus set you free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:1, 2). Every day you and I are confronted with temptations that go against the desires of the God who […]

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Heresy [2] Heresy: What Is At Stake?

Who is a Christian? Can we call those who reject the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith – Christians? Liberal theologians say they believe in God, but what is unclear is why they do so and what they mean by God. They seem to take pride in how far they can push the “theological” envelope, […]

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As we said in our last article, the Reformed Faith is the catholic Faith. And one of the purposes of the Belgic Confession was to express our catholicity, which is especially highlighted in Articles 8-9 on the Holy Trinity. In thinking about these articles on the Trinity, we enter the deepest of Christian mystery. We […]

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The meeting of the Canadian Reformed and United Reformed Churches to propose a common church order, held November 4–6, 2003 at the United Reformed Church of Dutton, Michigan. Present were: Dr. Nelson Kloosterman, Rev. William Pols, Rev. Ronald Scheuers, Rev. Raymond Sikkema and Mr. Harry Van Gurp, representing the United Reformed Churches in North America […]

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Protect Your Mind, Your Heart, Your Salvation

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16a). There are many different types of helmets. Today we see football helmets, motorcycle helmets, and baseball helmets. You may even think of a goalie’s mask in hockey as a type of helmet. […]

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Jehovah’s Salvation

“He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe in Him has been judged already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18                 John 3:16 is not only one of the most familiar passages in […]

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W. Robert Godfrey. P&R Publishing 2003, 141 pp. ISBN 0-87552-799-X (pbk). Dr. Robert Godfrey, president of Westminster Theological Seminary in California, has written a short book advocating a figurative interpretation of the days of Genesis 1. He writes “… this study is written to communicate not primarily with scholars or ministers but with thoughtful Christian […]

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The “Righteousness of God” in Romans To assess the validity of the new perspective’s understanding of the language of the “righteousness of God” and “justification” is not an easy task. A full assessment would require a series of studies of the use of this language in the Old Testament, in Second Temple Judaism, and in […]

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God’s People, My Parish February 2004

Sometimes God places people in our lives who change us forever. One such person in my life was my first piano teacher, Mrs. Jo Kooiker. When I was seven years old, my dream was to play the saxophone. At the insistence of my parents, however, I first took piano lessons to acquaint myself with the […]

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