“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God” (Ps. 20:7). “ The tower of Shechem must have been a massive structure to hold a thousand people. But it was a worthless refuge for those who trusted in idols. By contrast, ‘the name of the […]
A war is being waged. This war is the oldest war in the history of the world. It began with the fall of Adam and Eve into sin. In the curse upon the serpent, the Lord Himself drew the line which would separate forever the opposing forces. He said to the serpent, “I will put […]
January 1958 “The gospel of saving grace is a mystery in the sense that we can know it only when it is revealed to us. It is undiscoverable by us.” * * * * * “Man was, at best, a fallible creature. He was capable of falling into sin. But the glory of the redeemed […]
When I write now and then about some aspects of the ministry (including ministers), then I have in mind especially the United Reformed Churches. Not only because I am a minister (emeritus) in that federation, but also because we are a young federation with all the attendant weaknesses and problems. One could say that for […]
Will Our Civilization Survive? Something has gone wrong with our twentieth century civilization. Mankind today is full of fear and anxiety. Toynbee in his A Study of History sought to analyze the breakdown and the disintegration of civilizations. Lash, in The Dilemma of Our Times, claims that the prevailing mood of our day is “one […]
Ever since the September 11, 2001, attacks by Muslim terrorists against the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, the question has been raised, “What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?” Many can’t see a real difference between these two major world religions. Students of comparative religion in secular universities […]
(The following is the text of Cornelis P. Venema’s inaugural address as the first president of Mid-America Reformed Seminary, September 27, 2001. This is the second part of the address. In the first part, Dr. Venema emphasized that Mid-America as a seminary is an academy, a school.) An Academy That Honors Scripture and Confession One […]
Seminaries When discussing the advancements of the Reformed faith, we need to mention distinctively reformed seminaries. MidAmerica, with which we are most familiar, just celebrated its 20th anniversary. There are also Whitefield Theological Seminary in Florida; Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Greenville, South Carolina, whose president is Dr. Joseph Pipa; Knox Theological Seminary in Florida […]