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By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would afterward receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs […]

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Reading Aloud in the Home

The written word is in trouble. When the T.V. Guide and The National Enquirer are the two most popular weekly magazines, that says something. When your local library’s book promotions include Goosebumps and Stephen King novels as top choices, with narry a reference to the classics, it is an indicator of a society that spends […]

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Sound Bites Torch and Trumpet 1954

December 1953–January 1954 “The mystic will very seldom contend that the Bible is the truth; for him the Bible is the truth to the extent that it serves his own purpose, namely, to prove his own inner religious feelings. The mystic uses terminology that sounds quite Scriptural, but that it is not Scriptural at all […]

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Roses by the Garden

As I watch them everyday, So beautiful and red, But growing so slow I say. Today I saw the blossom, Tomorrow I’ll see the bloom. I’ll also see the roses, By the garden as beautiful As anything can be. Finally I’ll get to see them, All grown and red I’ll get to see. I’ll only […]

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What Happened at the CRC Synod?

The CRC Synod 2001 is now history. It completed its work Thursday evening, June 14. Although it had a fairly light agenda, it was in many ways a pivotal synod – not because of significant changes in policy, but because of major changes in personnel particularly in Calvin Seminary. The effects of these changes will […]

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God’s People, My Parish

Henry and Lena were married for fifty years already by the time we moved into their neighborhood. I remember one summer afternoon I heard voices coming from their yard. I walked over to their house and discovered them sitting on lawn chairs in their driveway. I also remember coming home and telling my wife how […]

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It has happened more than once that we have been called upon to unite a couple in marriage where evidently very little preparation had been made. It almost appears then as if the bridal pair deemed their marriage as something of minor importance. Bride and groom had made no effort to appear at their best, […]

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