In their intriguing new novel, Gideon’s Torch, Charles Colson and Ellen Vaughn relate a conversation between a minister and a fictional attorney general of the United States. The minister is appealing to a fixed standard for Truth in Jesus Christ and His Word. The attorney general is convinced that there is no fixed standard of […]

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Berkouwer: A Hole in the Dike?

My mind is transported back to 1966. The theology faculty of the Free University had not yet moved to the “suburbs” of Amsterdam, but was packed into that wonderful complex of old buildings on the Keisersgracht. I took a seat close to the open window looking out on the canal. I had never heard or […]

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God, David, and Repentance

Repentance is what Psalm 51 is all about. Unfortunately, repentance is a doctrine not easily preached. There is the danger of unholy arrogance when it is proclaimed outside the context of humble prayer and precise self-examination. There is the certitude of not being seen as a “jolly good fellow.” Yet, neither this danger nor this […]

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Death Man Walking

A jury in Michigan has acquitted Jack Kevorkian of violating a state law banning assisted suicide. Kevorkian’s defense was that he did not “intend” to kill the two persons he was accused of helping to kill, but wanted to alleviate their suffering. A related case occurred last week in San Francisco. In an 8-3 decision, […]

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A Teacher to Teacher Letter

Dear Jody, As you graduate from college and embark on your teaching career, I extend my sincere congratulations and pray for God’s blessing for you. God has called you to your profession, and He has already begun qualifying you through your Christian education, and by giving you a personality of kindness, tenderess and an unselfish […]

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Lessons from Haggai (#5): Haggai 1:9–11

“You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?” declares the Lord Almighty. “Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you runs to his own house. Therefore, because of you the heavens have withheld their dew and the earth its crops. […]

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Since the Inter-Classical Conference met in South Holland, Illinois last November, I have read a number of reactions to it. Just this week I have seen three more reactions of a decidedly negative type. I have not been surprised, but I have been disappointed. I feel like calling, “Help!” Too often our critics do not […]

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The Elders and the Worship of God (2)

Review: Last month I asked you to focus your attention on the act of worship. I suggested then that crucial to being Reformed in worship is the centrality of the Bible in the act of worship. That is, that the reading of the Bible, the preaching of the Bible, even the singing of Biblical words […]

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Book Briefs from the Banner of Truth May 1996

Spurgeon v. Hyper-Calvinism by Iain H. Murray Paperback, 176pp., $5.99, ISBN 85151-692-0 C.H. Spurgeon is best remembered today for his remarkable ministry based in Victorian London, preaching to thousands every week and being read by hundreds of thousands later when his sermons were published. He preached Christ to all as the only Savior. But as […]

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