Our Call to Cultivate Holiness

The godly farmer who plows his field, sows seed, fertilizes and cultivates, is acutely aware that in the final analysis he is utterly dependent for an assured crop on forces outside of himself. He knows he cannot cause the seed to germinate, the rain to fall, the sun to shine. But he pursues his task […]

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Training for Godliness

“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly” (I Tim. 4:7).         The Scripture passage above is excellent advice for Christians in every generation, but especially in ours. Part of training for godliness is to cultivate and develop a Christian Mind—a way of […]

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Spiritual Help for Rwandan Refugees

Boaz and Julius from the PRM International Scripture Recording Center in Nairobi, Kenya, went to the camps. They took with them 73 albums of New Testament Scripture cassettes in their language (Kinyarwanda), 73 hand-cranked players and 73 solar panels to power the players when the sun shines. They were warmly welcomed! A number of groups […]

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In Memoriam: Bernard J. Haan

I knew Rev. Bernard J. Haan as an elegant preacher with a strong emphasis on the sovereignty of God and the centrality of the Word. His relaxed and articulate style was compelling. He obviously loved to preach and we relished being fed by this servant of God. I knew him better as my “boss,” our […]

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Women at Work: The Devout Woman

Mary was listening to the Lord’s word, seated at His feet…Martha was distracted with all her preparations… Luke 10:39b, 40a(NASV) The Christian life is a life of faith expressed in works. Faith needs feeding and works need doing. But so often we find ourselves very busy with works and neglect to feed our faith by […]

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Christian Missions to Islam and Western Culture

As we approach the end of this century, we need a new vision of world missions based on a realistic description of our times. We are living in a new era of world history. In the early days of modern missions, between 1800 and 1950, the West was still more or less Christian, and its […]

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Church & World March 1995

Classis llliana Overtures CRC Synod to Disenfranchise Classis Grand Rapids East for Ecclesiastical Disobedience MUNSTER, IN (January 17, 1995) RBPS – If the Christian Reformed churches of the southeast Chicago suburbs have their way, an entire classis of the Christian Reformed denomination will see its delegates banned from voting at synod due to its support […]

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Book Briefs March 1995

The Modern Search for the Real Jesus: An Introductory Survey of the Historical Roots of Gospels Criticism Robert B. Strimple, Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in California has recently published The Modern Search for the Real Jesus: An Introductory Survey of the Historical Roots of Gospels Criticism. Critical scholars have increasingly questioned […]

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