Dear Friends: In any enterprise it is both fitting and necessary that we take time to look backward. We must see what we have done. We must take stock of that which we have failed to do. With this issue of Torch and Trumpet we finish our fourth year of publication. We have enjoyed this […]
Every Sunday the Law of the Ten Commandments is read in our churches. There has been in the past differences of opinion about the place or the reading of the Law in our order of worship. Some thought it should be read before the sermon and others were convinced it should be read at the end of […]
It is with a good deal of diffidence that I undertake, at long last to write a short article to note the twenty fifth anniversary of Doctor Herman Dooyeweerd’s professorship at the Free University of Amsterdam. This hesitation stems from the fact that it will soon be thirty years ago that Prof. Dooyeweerd was appointed on October 15, 1924, and […]
(A review of and reply to the Rev. Harry R. Boer’s article, “The Three Pillars” – The Reformed Journal, November, 1954.) “Knowest thou not that the Philistines are rulers over us?” Judges 16:11 Once again were the Israelites ruled by a heathen people, this time by the Philistines. They used to invade the land with strong armies, […]
The Elim Christian School serves a unique purpose in our system of Christian schools. It is our only school providing education to the physically handicapped, that is, blind, deaf and crippled children. Historically the education of the physically handicapped developed much later than the educational program […]
S. U. Zuidema, VAN GElOOF TOT GELOOF. Franeker: T. Wever. 1954. 184 pp., f4.80. This book provides lillie sketches of a heart a heart type for those who would be near unto God. Previously the author has written an interesting treatise on the subject or prayer that belongs to the finest of the literature on the […]
Martin Keuning, ed., CALVINIST CADET GUIDE BOOK. Grand Rapids Calvinist Cadet Corps. 1954. When the Federation of Reformed Boys’ Clubs (later renamed the Calvinist Cadet Corps) was organized on October 30, 1952, the speaker for the occasion, Mr. Gerrit Likkel of Kalamazoo began his speech with these words: “Fellow Servicemen! I greet you this evening in the […]
(Translation and comment by Henry R. Van Til) And here I come to the Antithesis.* The more one chooses to close his eyes of the reality of the Antithesis the more he will weaken the Coalition. But the opposite is also true; the more sharply ones focuses his eyes on the Antithesis, the more firmly the Coalition will stand. […]
NOTE: This is the fifth in a series of articles on common contemporary viewpoints which are contrary to orthodox Christianity. If anything is characteristic of contemporary American Protestantism it is opposition to doctrine. In former times people might be opposed to particular doctrines, such as the doctrine of predestination or the doctrine of hell; but today there […]