The Elim Christian School serves a unique purpose in our system of Christian schools. It is our only school providing education to the physically handicapped, that is, blind, deaf and crippled children.
Historically the education of the physically handicapped developed much later than the educational program for the normal child. Of much more recent vintage are the educational endeavors for the mentally deficient child. The endeavors of our people provide a Christian education to our handicapped children has followed a similar pattern. Regular Christian schools have been in existence for three-quarters of a century. Next Elim, representing the physically handicapped child, began its work in 1947, followed by the Children’s Retreat and its work with the mentally deficient in 1953.
This work which began in a church basement during the Spring of 1947 has developed into a large and complex organization under the Lord’s blessing. Ever striving to provide the finest in care and education, Elim has a staff of twenty for an enrollment of some seventy children. The new dormitory, Hope Cottage, provides housing for out-of-state children.
Visitors have been unanimous in their enthusiasm after seeing first hand the program and facilities available to our Covenant handicapped youth. Every reader is urged to visit Elim when passing through the Chicago area. Societies desiring to see the slides and/or the film on Elim may make arrangements by writing to the Elim Christian School, Worth, Illinois.