A Progress Report By now most readers of The Outlook have been informed of the meeting held in Chicago on April 21 concerning the organization of an association to establish a school for Reformed theological instruction. By instruction of the newly formed Association, eight northwest Iowa ministers have been acting as a temporary board charged […]
It was time for a new car. The old rusted out gas guzzler had to go. My wife and I started shopping. We had set our expectations of the car we would buy. It had to be well built, within our price range, get forty miles to a gallon on the highway, and have a […]
A Trend in Missions The above title appears over the leading editorial of the Feb. 2, 1981 issue of Getrouw, the Dutch monthly publication of the International Council of Christian Churches of which Rev. J. C. Maris is secretary. The article begins by comparing two unusually important missionary conferences, both of which were concerned with […]
In broaching the whole matter of the failures of the Christian pulpit at the present time you have hit upon one of the most serious problems we face in the church. You wish me to list ten serious failures of the Christian pulpit. I think I have to say at once in that connection that […]
With this article, L. Oostendorp, retired Christian Reformed pastor and Reformed Bible College professor, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, begins a new series of studies on the Doctrine of the Church. Nowhere have more theories been modified to support practice than in church polity. A surprising number of strange practices have been justified by appeals to […]
“At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said, Naked I came from my mother’s womb and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised. In all this, […]
Having read Neal Punt’s book, Unconditional Good News, I have so many question marks and disagreements, it’s hard to know where to begin in trying to analyze and critique it. (As an aside, I find it hard to believe that Dr. A. C. DeJong, who wrote a foreword to the book, should be able to […]
This question cannot be answered in a simplistic manner. It’s not a matter that can be determined by statistics only, e.g. how many “cases” come to Classis (though everyone knows in today’s world that when large congregations seldom or never come to Classis with a discipline case, there is something drastically wrong—either discipline is not […]
July 10 was the birthday of John Calvin. (That’s one of the few birthdays I easily remember because it happens to be identical to my own.) Born in 1509, “the Reformer had and continues to an extraordinary degree to have to have a role in church history as the great teacher of the reformation. Rev. […]
GEORGE WHITEFIELD: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE GREAT EVANGELIST OF THE EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY REVIVAL, Vol. 2, by Arnold A. Dallimore. Westchester, Illinois: Cornerstone Books, 1979; first edition, 1980. 602 pages. $22.50. Reviewed by Rev. Jerome M. Julien, minister of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella Iowa. A wait of nearly ten years for Dallimore’s […]