Anyone acquainted with ecclesiastical affairs recognizes that the issue of “women in office” is tearing many a church apart. Throughout the Roman Catholic Church the question of “females in the priesthood” is heatedly discussed. The recent rupture of the Protestant Episcopal Church cannot be correctly evaluated apart from the approval on the part of a […]

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Christmas Peace

This is the season of Christmas. Many of you are sending and receiving Christmas cards. Perhaps the most recurring theme on these cards is “Peace on earth.” This is a popular phrase with believers and unbelievers alike for a reason. “Peace” is something all human beings crave even though they may differ substantially on their definition of […]

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Annual Meeting of Reformed Fellowship

One of the more interesting activities of the Reformed Fellowship over more than a quarter of a century has been the annual meeting. This is one occasion on which the “fellowship,” necessarily limited as the organization grew from a local group to a body of many hundreds spreading across and beyond the limits of two […]

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Theistic Evolution is Not Creation

THE EVOLUTION CONTRADICTS CREATION AND THE FLOOD Like the atheist, the theistic evolutionist holds that life evolved from nothing to swirling gas to gaseous hydrogen atom to amoeba to segmented marine flat worm to tree shrew to ape-man to Homo sapiens and continues to evolve. He believes that all living forms are solely the consequence […]

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In the World But Not of It

The church is in the world, but not of it. It is difficult to keep a scriptural balance here. In the past the church was often too little in the world. Today in many cases she is too much of the world. As a result, the salt loses its savor and becomes good for nothing. […]

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For God’s Inerrant Book

A Unique Meeting Extraordinary interest and possibly far-reaching influence characterized the unique meeting October 26–28 at Chicago of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. Meeting at the Hyatt Regencv O’Hare were 284 men including some of the most widely known leaders in .the evangelical church world from a dozen countries, some as far away as […]

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The Victorious Christ in Bethlehem

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment made when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to enroll themselves, every one to his own city. And Joseph also went up . . […]

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The Question Box

Rev. Harlan G. Vanden Einde is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. “SUNDAY OBSERVANCE” The author of this question expresses his deep concern regarding a group of people from the church who are making it a practice to get together every Sunday morning for breakfast and Bible study in a […]

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