Citizens Who Pray

“I exhort, therefore, first or all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all men; for the kings and all that are in high place; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and gravity.” I Timothy 2:1, 2 Every Christian who takes his profession seriously knows the importance of […]

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In this issue THE OUTLOOK begins a new series of articles or lessons on II Timothy and Titus by Rev. Henry Vander Kam, pastor of Grace Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan. This series, intended for church societies, study groups, and all others interested, promises to be both interesting and profitable. Rev. Vander Kam has […]

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Our Question Box

Dr. Leonard Grecnway, pastor of the Riverside Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is in charge of Our Question Box. This department is for everyone. No signatures are required and no names are published. Although we are happy about the popularity of this department, we regret that, due to all the questions now on […]

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In the School of Patience (1)

Rev. John Blankespoor is pastor of the Pine Creek Christian Reformed Church of Holland, Michigan. ]n this article, the first in a series on In the School of Patience, he writes: “Obviously, there is only one textbook in this school—the Word of God. And when we begin to learn this lesson [patience], we begin to […]

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Liturgy and the question of how to worship are receiving a great deal of attention today—for better or for worse. That we should have and follow the proper guidelines for this is of the utmost importance. In this issue, Rev. Jerome M. Julien, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa, presents the […]

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Within recent memory the ecclesiastical drums were being beaten for “youth services.” If you wanted to be “right on,” “in the spirit of our times,” that was the “in” thing to do! Now not near so loudly but quite perceptively another trend is developing among us, namely, the introduction of “Children’s Church Services.” Oh yes, we […]

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