Today, liturgy and the question of how to worship are receiving a great deal of attention. It is of the utmost importance that we receive and follow the proper guidelines for this. In this issue, Rev. Jerome M. Julien, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa, begins a series of eight articles […]

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The Word Under Fire

This year (1976) THE OUTLOOK (formerly TORCH AND TRUMPET) is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary. The first issue was published for April–May 1951. In commemoration of this occasion, it has been decided that each issue during 1976 is to carry one or more reprints from the issues of that first year, 1951. At the time he wrote […]

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Anno Domini – 1976

“Happy New Year!” Over and over again we say it at the dawn of each New Year. And 1976 has been no exception. But does it really make sense? Disillusioned in their expectations of something new, the cynics may scoff and sneer about all these wishes for something “happy” and “new.” They may even quote […]

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One Body – Many Members

“For the body is not one member, but many.” I Corinthians 12:14 A body, says the dictionary, is the “main part, as distinguished from the limbs and the head; hence, the main, central, or principal part . . .” It is also “a unit formed of a number of persons or things; a collective whole.” The Apostle […]

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Seek Ye First the Kingdom – In World Relief

As followers of Christ, we pray almost daily, “Thy Kingdom come.” This is our goal as members of the invisible body of Christ, and it is our goal as a denomination. This goal is essentially one of restoration. Every Christian yearns for the new heaven and new earth which will follow Christ’s return. At that […]

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This series on I Timothy is planned especially for church societies, study groups, and all others interested. The writer, Rev. Henry Vander Kam, is pastor of Grace Christian Reformed Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. LESSON 11 I Timothy 5:1–16 Widows In the Church The work of the ministry includes a variety of tasks which shmJ!d be […]

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Life and Times of Lady Huntingdon

The writer of this informational and well-written article, Fredericka (Ricky) Pronk, is the wife of Rev. Cornelis Pronk, pastor of the Free Reformed Church of North America in Grand Rapids, Michigan. At the beginning of her article, Mrs. Pronk states: “In the controversy regarding women in ecclesiastical offices, Scripture must be our guide. However, it […]

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Calling and Reprobation

Written by Dr. M. J. Arntzen, minister in the Netherlands, this article was reprinted from Koers in Calvinist Contact, September 5, 1975. The English version, herewith presented, is a free translation by Rev. Peter De Jong, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church in Dutton, Michigan. In every age believing thinkers have pondered the question for […]

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Our Question Box

Dr. Leonard Greenway, pastor of the Riverside Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids. Michigan is in charge of Our Question Box. This department is for everyone. Questions from all ages are welcome. No signatures are required and no names will be published. From a reader in the Grand Rapids area: Question: I am having difficulty […]

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