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Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine

Herewith Rev. John H. Piersma presents the first two of a series of articles on Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine. These articles are written especially for church societies and classes, study groups, and all others interested in knowing more about Reformed doctrine. Rev. Piersma is pastor of the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of South Holland, […]

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In this article, C. Groenewegen of St. Petersburg, Florida, addresses himself to the question of whether or not women should be permitted to occupy church offices according to the Bible. The CRC Synod of 1973 received a report on this matter and referred it to the churches for study and reactions. Moreover, a new study committee […]

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Lutherans Make Church News

Battle for Orthodoxy – The large Missouri Synod Lutheran denomination continues in the throes of a controversy that is provoking hostilities and division throughout the country. As most of our readers know, its president, Dr. Jacob A. O. Preus, had led a successful campaign at last summer‘s New Orleans convention to have the church declare […]

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Selective Objectors?

The eRe Synod decided in 1973 to “urge the President of the United States and Congress to grant, at the earliest opportunity, amnesty for those who by reason of their Christian conscientious objection to the Vietnam conflict are in exile, at large, incarcerated, or deprived of the full rights of citizenship”, Acts of Synod 1973, […]

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Before coming to Westminster Theological Seminary to pursue his further studies, Iyortyom Achineku was Principal of the Reformed Theological College of Nigeria. Rev. Timothy M. Monsma has been serving as Principal at the RTCN until the recent return of the Monsma family to the U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Achineku and their three children live at […]

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Letters to the Editor

THE OUTLOOK takes some time to reach Australia so I hope that a comment on the January issue will not be considered out-of-date. I was struck by the conflict between Dr. Van Groningen‘s defence of societal sphere sovereignty and P. De Jong’s attack on the practical outworking of the principle by the AACS. Surely the contention […]

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A Look at Books

THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND THE OLD TESTAMENT, by Arnold A. Van Ruler, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, 104 pages, $2.45. (Translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley). Reviewed by Rev. Cecil W. Tuininga, pastor of the College Avenue Christian Reformed Church of Winnipeg, Manitoba. In this valuable little book Dr. Van Huler seeks to […]

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Seek First the Kingdom – In Literature

Herewith, Professor Merle Meeter presents an interesting and challenging article on “Seek First the Kingdom – in Literature.” This is the first in THE OUTLOOK’S new series of articles under the general title, “Seek First the Kingdom.” Professor Meeter teaches literature at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. 1n Matthew 6 our Lord promises us […]

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