Seek First the Kingdom – in Politics

Senator Gary Eyker‘s willingness to take time out of his busy schedule to contribute tbis article for THE OUTLOOK‘S series on Seek First the Kingdom is greatly appreciated. Representing the Twenty-third District in the Michigan Senate, he serves as Vice-Chairman of the Appropriations Committee and as Chairman of Subcommittee on: School Aid, Department of Education, […]

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Thanksgiving Prayer

When in the golden harbor of Thanksgiving Day The harvest season sinks, at rest; ‘Tis then I raise my song of humble gratitude For bounties richly given of nature’s best. In every fertile field, in every patch of grain, I see God’s loving hands; his substance there Bestowed to satisfy the hungry ones; For he […]

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Thanksgiving and “Things”

Turning to the dictionary to look up the meaning of even ordinary, common words can be a very profitable experience. I went to my dictionary the other day to look up the word “thing,” and was quite surprised at the length of the entry I found. Depending on its specific manner of use, the definition included […]

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Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine

Main Lines of Reformed Doctrine is a series written by Rev. John H. Piersma, pastor of the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of South Holland, Illinois. This series is for church societies, study groups, and all others interested. Two lessons appear each month. LESSON 7 Creation and Related Matters (A) Scripture Reading: Romans 9:14–26; Ephesians 1:3–6 […]

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Biblical Authority – Do We Really Acknowledge It?

The nature and extent of biblical authority is a subject that has been studied and widely discussed during the past three years in Christian Reformed circles. Officially, that discussion ended with the adoption of Report 44 by the 1972 Synod. However, there is a matter inseparably bound up and interwoven with this study of and discussion […]

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Smorgasbord Christianity

Most of us at one time or another have eaten at one of the restaurants containing a table displaying a variety of foods from which each patron selects wllatever appeals to him and ignores the rest. Listening to a speech the other evening suggests the observation that the view of the Christian faith and the […]

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A Look at Books

MALEACHI, by Dr. P. A. Verhoef. Kampen. J. H. Kok. 1972. Reviewed by Dr. Louis Praamsma, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Colling. wood, Ontario. This book belongs 10 the series of Dutch commentaries on the Old Testament edited by Professors W. H. Gispen and N. H. Ridderbos. The author, Dr. P. A. Verhoef, […]

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