“Some Missing Notes in Contemporary Christianity” is an address delivered by Dr. Leonard Greenway at a Reformation Day rally held at the Dimnent Memorial Chapel of Hope College in Holland, Michigan on October 31, 1972. This meeting was attended by the delegates to the CRC-RCA Conference held October 31–November 2. Dr. Greenway is pastor of […]

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In view of the recent CRC-RCA Get-together in Holland, Michigan and the proposals for further closer relations between the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in America, it was decided to present a special and enlarged issue of THE OUTLOOK for February-March in an attempt to give some pertinent and necessary information about this […]

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Youth Wants to Know

WHAT IS OUR STAND ON MORALITY THESE DAYS? “What is our stand on morality these days?” Seventy-five years ago Dr. Abraham Kuyper wondered if that question would be asked in the future. He, a theologian, churchman, educator, politician and social welfare student, spoke to a United States audience of Presbyterians in Princeton, New Jersey in […]

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Book Without a Title

There is a book which has often been on the list of best sellers. It was and is found in many homes; it is found in public places. It is freely distributed. It is among the best known books in the world, found in more languages than any other. Yet, strange to say, the book […]

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Now the Serpent was More Subtle . . .

It was Thursday evening, January 11. The chimes of a nearby chapel had just tolled eight bells. There was a mood of muffled excitement as the family gathered to watch “The Waltons.” Tonight’s film was intriguing because it had been advertised as one highlighting the creation-evolution conflict. Mom and Dad were expecting a resounding vindication […]

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So I Send You – To Whom?; Who Me?; Preachers Too

Dr. Roger S. Greenway herewith presents the remaining lessons in THE OUTLOOKS 1972–73 series on Reformed Evangelism entitled So Send I You. Dr. Greenway is Area Secretary for Latin America with the Christian Reformed Church’s Board of Foreign Missions. A hearty thank you is extended to Dr. Greenway, Rev. William Heynen, and Rev. Thomas C. […]

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There are certain programs and activities in which the CRC and the RCA have worked together, and can do so, without a prior theological discussion and consideration of respective practices—but the proposed special services to promote “closer fellowship, cooperation, and denominational unity” is not one of them. On April 8, 1857 Classis Holland of the […]

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