Quest for the Kingdom

The late President Eisenhower, according to a news report, admitted that once while in discussion with a prominent Russian general he was at a loss to know what to answer. Precisely what is the American ideology is what the Russian wanted to know. He could tell Eisenhower exactly what the Communist ideology is. He could […]

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Abortion: The Crucial Issue (2)

Dr. Edwin H. Palmer of Wayne, New Jersey herewith presents the second and concluding installment of his article on Abortion: the Crucial Issue. Dr. Palmer is the Executive Secretary for the Committee on Bible Translation of the New York Bible Society. Following are two more common arguments advanced for easier abortion laws: 7. The population […]

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Report on the Synod of the C.R.C., 1972

Synod opened officially on Tuesday morning, June 13, 1972 at the Fine Arts Center at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich. The first order of business was the election of officers. Synod spent the entire morning electing as president, the Rev. Clarence Boomsma, pastor of the Calvin CRC, Grand Rapids; the Rev. William Haverkamp, pastor of […]

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Following is the address delivered by Rev. Leonard T. Schalkwyk at the annual meeting of the Reformed Fellowship in September 1971. Rev. Schalkwyk is pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of St. Thomas, Ontario. The assignment given to me has two aspects: the first part of the title brings us to The Netherlands, the second […]

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The Bible in Missouri

To our Reformed churches in their present discussions about the authority of the Bible it should be interesting to observe similar controversies in other circles. The big Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is being torn by one of them. This traditionally evangelical denomination has a remarkable history. Gaustad’s Historical Atlas of Religion in America summarizes it in […]

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A Look at Books

THE PUBLIC WORSHIP OF GOD. Published by Baker Book House 1970. Price 52.95, paperback Reviewed by Rev. J. J. Byker, Pastor II C.R.C., Toronto, Ontario. The Public Worship of God is the publication of the Lyman Beecher Lectures on practical theology at Yale, 1927. This hook now appears in the series, “Notable Books on Preaching,” […]

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Needed: An Unqualified Yes or No

Presently I am 92 years old; I was born, baptized and made profession of faith in the Chr. Ref. Church, the church I love dearly. During these years I have been exposed to events and impressions which have been denied the majority of CRC people. I have seen first-hand happenings, a repetition of which I […]

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Reformed Women Speak

Publishers of THE OUTLOOK are pleased that Miss Johanna Timmer of Holland, Michigan has accepted the appointment to edit a new department for women, entitled Reformed Women Speak. A hearty welcome to Miss Timmer who is no stranger to readers familiar with her past contribution to TORCH AND TRUMPET. A WOMAN’S PAGE It is with […]

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Jehovah is my Shepherd

“Jehovah is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 Is there any other Psalm as well known as this twenty-third? Though some three thousand years have passed since it was written by the sweet singer and Shepherd-king of Israel, David, it has not been forgotten. And who can forget this Psalm which brings comfort, […]

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The Sermon in Disrepute

The following is reprinted by permission from THE REFORMED JOURNAL, April 1972. Copyright 1972 William B. Eerdmans Publishing Dr. Company, Dr. John J. Timmerman is a professor of English at Calvin College. I grew up as a minister’s son in what may now be called the golden age of the ministry in the Christian Reformed […]

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