What’s wrong with “Christmas”? Nothing. That is, nothing is wrong with Christmas without the quote marks—meaning God’s Christmas as we learn it from His Word. But man’s “Christmas” (now with the quote marks) and the world’s “Merry Christmas!” over and over again, when it is only a shoddy and Satanic imitation of the real thing—well, […]
Dr. John Timmerman, Professor of English at Calvin College, delivered this address at the annual meeting of the Reformed Fellowship, Inc. held at the Grandville Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan on October 6, 1972. When I was a boy in rural Iowa, the church and the sermon in the church were close […]
CHRISTIAN REUNION – HISTORIC DIVISIONS RECONSIDERED by John S. Whale; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 255 Jefferson Avenue, S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502; 141 pp., 1971, $2.95. Reviewed by Rev. Harold Hollander, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Wellsbury, Iowa. In the first 114 pages the author reviews the divisions that have marred […]
THE OTHER SIDE Some one once offered wise Counsel to us Christians. He said, one should first read the good news from God in the morning, or else he should first turn on a Christian program. And only after that should he lake up the morning newspaper or turn on the news broadcast. Is it […]
A virgin, a mother? Yes, not, as some say, by way of adultery, but because the Holy Spirit had come upon her, and the power of the Almighty had overshadowed her; wherefore also that holy thing which was born of her was called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). When the angel revealed to her […]
Dr. Roger S. Greenway herewith presents the fourth in a series of articles on “When Cities and Churches First Met in America.” Dr. Greenway, formerly a Missionary to Ceylon and Mexico, was recently awarded the Th.D. degree by Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He is presently serving as Area Secretary for Latin, […]
The following report by the managing editor of THE OUTLOOK was given at the annual meeting of the Reformed fellowship, Inc. on October 6, 1972. It has been a great privilege as well as a real challenge to have served now for two years as the managing editor of THE OUTLOOK. In seeking by means […]
By permission, this article, “Is Christmas Pagan or Christian?” is reprinted from The Bible Has the Answer by Dr. Henry M. Morris (The Craig Press, Nutley, New Jersey 07110. 256 pp. $4.50, paperback $3.25. Dr. Morris is Director of Creation-Science Research Center in San Diego, California, and Academic Vice-President of Christian Heritage College. There is […]
The following satire, so pertinent for our time is reprinted by permission from THE REFORMED RECORD (Oct. 1972), official monthly publication of The League of Christian Laymen (R.G.A.), Inc. Having been involved in the process of education for many years, both on this side and the European side of the Atlantic, I am struck by […]
For many years there has been a relatively close relationship between the OPC (Orthodox Presbyterian Church) and the CRC (Christian Reformed Church). For thirteen years a special committee of the two denominations has even been laboring to achieve the goal of union between them. Since the last Christian Reformed Synod dismissed its committee for such […]