Recently the members of the Calvin Seminary Faculty felt called upon to address a page-long “Open Letter to the Christian Reformed Church.” In The Banner of December 4, 1970, with their signatures affixed, the Faculty concluded its letter with a request for confidence as follows: “What in these times we covet and indeed expect from […]
A name held in high esteem by many of the older Calvin College graduates is that of Johannes Broene, for many years professor in the Department of Education and also one-time President of the College. We remember him as a Christian gentleman, a gifted teacher, a wise counselor. These enviable qualities were consistently reflected not […]
This month Reformed people everywhere may well take notice of an event that may have incalculable significance for the future of our Reformed faith. The Tiv Church of Nigeria, which has been characterized as “the fastest growing church in the world” is opening its own seminary to train men for pastoral and missionary witness to […]
WHAT IS LEGAL IS ETHICAL Look magazine now accepts ads that solicit abortion (a December issue). When a written protest is made, their canned response is that New York State has legalized it. Therefore, it is all right. This is a strange reasoning: what is legal is ethical; or, morality is determined by the number […]
REACTION TO REV. PETER DE JONG’S ARTICLE, “QUOTAS AND CHRISTIAN GIVING” In the November issue of the TORCH AND TRUMPET, Rev. Peter De Jong had an article on “Quotas and Christian Giving.” As some of Rev. De Jong’s comments dealt with subjects this committee has spent many hours discussing, we felt that we could perhaps […]
I One of the most striking characteristics of our time is that everywhere in the world we see new ideas appearing, which have a tremendous influence upon us all. Of course, one should not exaggerate this as if only our time produces new ideas. In a way you find these in every period of history. […]
Conceivably, strong exception will be taken to the title of this article as betraying a basic misunderstanding of the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea. It can be argued that there is no such thing as a doctrine of Scripture in the Dooyeweerdian Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea. Doctrines of Scripture are the special province of […]
For more than half a century, the word form criticism has been in circulation. And for that matter the whole movement which this word represents is hardly a modern theological trend. Yet the effect of form criticism has been noticed only in the last few decades. In fact, the study conducted by the form critics […]