Christ in Proverbs

On the glorious resurrection morning Mary went to see—to look for—Jesus. She sought him in his tomb, but he stood next to her. She thought that he was the gardener, but with one word “Mary” he revealed himself to her as her Lord, and she turning answered “Rabboni” which is to say Teacher or Master.1 […]

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The Place of Music in Christian Worship

“In the beginning…” It is a most interesting mental exercise to try to establish the origins of many of our long accepted habits, desires, beliefs, and traditions. However, an area that will puzzle each one of you is the origin of music. We do not know where it began, or if it began at all. […]

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That TIV Church Request

A man was journeying from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers who knocked him down, stripped him of his garments, gave him a thorough beating and left him half dead. Many people passed by apparently noticing him on the ground, sprawling in a pool of blood but not coming to his aid. A Samaritan […]

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GOLDWATER AND McCARTHY: EXTREMISTS? One of the ironies of recent history is that many who condemned Senator Goldwater in 1964 for his statement “Extremism in defence of liberty is no vice” four years later demanded: Freedom in defence of extremism. Many liberals who found the ideological tendencies of the Goldwater conservatives intolerable, were most ideological-minded […]

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Letters to the Editor

To the editors of TORCH AND TRUMPET Dear Sirs: The article of Mr. Henry Hoeksema found in the November ’68 issue of your magazine prompts me to write a few words regarding the matter of protest. Of late, particularly the last couple of years, consistories and!or ministers of the Chr. Ref. Church have been receiving […]

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III. The classical Protestant view Now I will explain what I shall call the classical Protestant position (though, of course, it is not really common to all Protestants). In particular, I will consider alternative explanations of the passages used to support the Pentecostal position. A. The meaning of Pentecost First of all, according to the […]

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What’s Wrong with Preaching Today?

Let us now consider what is wrong with preaching today as it relates to the message which is being preached in our day. It is perfectly possible for a man to be marked by an eminent degree of personal piety and practical godliness, and yet to be woefully Jacking in a powerful preaching ministry. Of […]

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The Ecclesiastical Church has no business to operate day schools. The Roman Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans and Seventh Day Adventists are wrong in running their weekday schools. The task of the church institute is to preach the Word and administer the sacraments: It is not mandated to teach molecular activity, Spanish grammar, Civil War strategy and […]

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