“What’s an Elder to Do?”

Unlike the mother in a television commercial, who can supply all the vitamins and minerals her family needs with one bowlful of breakfast food, there arc no easy ways or shortcuts for elders who would be faithful in their tasks.   In every communion, elders are called upon to exercise oversight of the congregation, to […]

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Can We Now Join Hands?

There is much discussion these days about the changes taking place in the Roman Catholic church. One of the changes that is said to be most noticeable is the openness of that church toward non-Roman Catholics. This is evidenced by an increasing number of discussions of various types which are taking place between Protestants and […]

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Letters to the Editors

Editor, TORCH AND TRUMPET Dear Brother in Christ: The June 11 issue of De Wachter contains an article written by its editor commending the official prayer rendered by the World Council of Churches at its General Assembly meeting in Uppsala, Sweden this month. Apparently he sees nothing wrong with this prayer, having been in all […]

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Presbyterianism and Episcopalianism

In recent months more than one of our ministers has said to me jokingly: “I believe we could do with a bishop in our churches.” They said this with a view to our system of calling ministers. My usual answer was: “I don’t mind, as long as you make me the bishop!” Generally that was […]

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In addition to the criticism stated in my first and second articles the following critical remarks may be made. 1. If there were any doubt concerning the unreformed trend of Dr. Kuitert’s theology and suggested “new” approach to the understanding of Scripture, this doubt would be removed already with the tribute he pays in such […]

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Christianity and Politics: Appraisal of Practice (2)

Christians’ Involvement at the State Level Throughout his essay Dr. Spoelhof hammered home the idea that distinct characteristics of American life have made our parties ones of expediency rather than programmatic parties based on principles and ideologies. On this basis many of our people justify their participation in onc of the two major parties. This […]

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72 Teachers Crossed the Street

The National Union of Christian Schools’ Teachers Recruitment Committee is struggling with a difficult problem; how to solve the teacher shortage in Our Christian schools. Last June 422 teachers left our Christian schools. Of these 72 left for other occupations and another 72 transferred to public schools. (By comparison; Calvin College and Dordt College graduated […]

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Contending for the Faith in the Netherlands

The Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk (Dutch Reformed Church) came into existence with the reformation of the Roman Church in the 16th century. Many of its fine buildings date back to before the Reformation and are historically and architecturally of great interest. During the 19th century fidelity to the Word of God deteriorated in the Netherlands, as […]

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