Decision Rather Than Postponement

When the 1966 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church met in Pella, Iowa, one of the most important items on the Agenda was the report of the Doctrinal Committee; the committee appointed by the Synod of 1964 “to study in the light of Scripture and the Creeds the doctrine of limited atonement as it relates to […]

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The Constitutional Basis of the W.C.C.

“The World Council of Churches is relatively young, but it did not come about overnight. After centuries of separation, the Christian Churches in the twentieth century set about to heal their divisions and earnestly to seek the unity of the Church.” So reads the brochure, “What is the World Council of Churches?,” published by the WCC shortly […]

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The Editor’s Page…

For today’s Christians nothing is more foolish and sinful than to wish wistfully that it were yesterday. Those were the good old times; the times in which it was supposedly quite easy to be a Christian, because the world wasn’t quite as bad and could be held farther away from the church than now. Not […]

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The Bible credits Solomon with being a very wise man. Yet his wisdom, wealth, power and prestige brought temptations which overcame him. An Oriental king must have a harem and the greater the king, the greater should be the harem. With the adulation that came to him from every quarter as his reputation grew, especially these […]

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BIRTH CONTROL, THE POPE, AND MISSIONS A Christian Reformed minister is quoted as having said from the pulpit: “If you want to save souls, have big families.” He might well have added: “If you want to evangelize the world, have bigger families.” In proportion to the task, the manpower supply available for Christian missions is going to become […]

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Religion’s priority in the realm of conscience The term “conscience” has for ages belonged to the realm of religion. For almost two thousand years it has had a definition and connotation identifying it with a close relationship to a Divine Being, to God (Rom. 2:15), to Christ (Heb. 9:14), to the Holy Spirit (Rom. 9:1), and […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dort

PART TWO THE DEATH OF CHRIST AND THE REDEMPTION OF MEN THEREBY OUTLINE OF PART TWO Art. 1. Divine justice requires either:  a. Punishment of sin, or b. Satisfaction for sin Art. 2. Infinite mercy provides the divine way of satisfying divine justice. Art. 3. Death of the divine Son is the perfect sacrifice and satisfaction […]

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A Look at Books

THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, the English text, with Introduction, Exposition, and Notes: Volume I, Chapters 1–18, by Edward J. Young. Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1965. Pp. xii + 534. $7.95. Previous publications have shown Dr. Young’s absorbing interest in the book of Isaiah. This commentary, the first to appear in the series The New lnternational Commentary on […]

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