Unoffensively Offensive

In communicating the gospel, two principles should guide us 1) We should be offensive; and 2) We should be unoffensively offensive. I. Being Offensive Every Christian has a duty to be offensive. If he is not, he is not a Christian. An offensiveless Christian is as much a contradiction in terms as is saltless salt (Matt. […]

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WHAT IS THE EVOLUTIONARY WORLD VIEW? A. It is a Non-Theistic Conception of Reality. Classic evolutionism is essentially atheistic or pantheistic. The postulate of Biblical Theism is inherently foreign to evolutionistic thought. This is not to say that all evolutionists are atheists or pantheists, or that no evolutionist sincerely professes the Christian Faith. People are […]

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ANTI-REVOLUTIONARY? Dr. A. Kuyper, founder of the “Free University, called his political party the Antirevolutionair Partij. With this indication, he meant to say, that he was strongly against radical changes in the social and political structure of society. Even though his program was principled by the Word of God, yet he was determined to introduce […]

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The Person and Work of Satan

In these pages the Rev. R.R. De Ridder, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sioux Center IA, continues his series on CHRIST, THE CHRISTIAN AND SATAN which was begun a few issues ago. This material, as many will remember, was first presented in lecture form to the faculty and students of Juan Calvino […]

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God Does Not Love Everyone

Oh, yes, God does love everyone -in one sense. that is. God loves the bad as well as the good; the evil as well as the righteous; the unbeliever as well as the believer; the reprobate as well as the elect. Christ commanded his followers to love all men and not only their friends. “Love your […]

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Survey…An Annotated Guide

REFLECTOR August American Reformed Church, P.O. Box 7321, Grand Rapids, Mich. Subscription Price: not mentioned This is the least impressive typographically of any Reformed periodical known to us (stenciled). We welcome its re-appearance, however, after some months of absence from the journalistic scene. Rev. A. B. Roukema, pastor of the Grand Rapids’ American Reformed Church, R. Faber and B. […]

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A Look at Books

A HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONS by Stephen Neill. Published by Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1965. Price, $7.50. This book is the last of a six volume series called “The Pelican History of the Church.” Owen Chadwick is the general editor of this series, and the other volumes in it deal with the various periods of church history […]

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