As Hovering Birds

“Like birds hovering, so the Lord of hosts will protect Jerusalem; he will protect and deliver it, he will spare and rescue it.” (Isaiah 31:5, RSV) This text, too, is difficult to explain. The problem is this: How is the comparison to be understood? It was in the days of Assyria’s greatness that this word was […]

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MINISTERS, COUNSELORS, AND QUACKS! The June 7, 1963, issue of Christianity Today is in the main devoted to ministers and the problem of preaching. The common complaint is that ministers do not have time to make sermons. That is quite an anomoly. Imagine a physician saying that he was too busy to practice medicine. For us […]

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A Report on Synod 1963

Here follows a m0re or less detailed report on the debates and actions of the Synod of 1963 of the Christian Reformed Church. Members of the Editorial Committee of the magazine have tried to cover the discussions on the more important matters before synod. Many things are not dealt with. But we hope we have covered the more significant […]

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The Fifth Reformed Ecumenical Synod

It is, of course, generally known that the Fifth Reformed Ecumenical Synod (the RES) is scheduled to meet in Grand Rapids, Mich.. on August 7 of this year. The Agenda bas been published and distributed. It is a booklet of 128 pages and contains eight Reports as well as Correspondence of three affiliated Churches. The “Rules […]

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It Happened 400 Years Ago

When one surveys the history of the Christian church he must recognize the significance for the church of its literature. Some works stand out among others as having been of great influence. One recalls, for example. the Confession or On the City of God by St. Augustine, the Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, the Summa […]

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Infiltration: A Method which Catholics and Communists both use. There are in the world today two movements which on the one hand are diametrically opposed to one another, but which on the other hand copy each other’s methods and admire each other’s organization and success. They are International Communism and the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinal D’Alston, […]

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