- Letter to the Editors February 1994
- Mid America’s Relocation Campaign, The Opportunity of a Lifetime
Belz, Joel
- Sociology Without Theology: But Jesus was insistent that His Word “cannot be broken”
Godfrey, W. Robert
- Do We Need Ministers?
Hart, Daryl
- Whatever Happened to Office?
Kloosterman, Nelson
- Pilgrims among Pagans Studies from I Peter: Lesson 11 – Arming Ourselves to Suffer Alienation in Society
- Pilgrims among Pagans Studies from I Peter: Lesson 12 – Pilgrims Need Strength for End-Time Endurance
Nederhood, Joel
- Women, the Bible, and the Church
Sittema, John R.
- Ministry to the Older Members of the Church (3) – More Time for Service to the King
Tuininga, Jelle
- International Council of Reformed Churches
Vanden Heuvel, Geoffrey
- Report and Reaction
Venema, Cornelis
- The Bible and the Future: “The Intermediate State” (I)
- Letter to the Editors February 1994
- Mid America’s Relocation Campaign, The Opportunity of a Lifetime
1 Peter 4:1–6
- Pilgrims among Pagans Studies from I Peter: Lesson 11 – Arming Ourselves to Suffer Alienation in Society
1 Peter 4:7–11
- Pilgrims among Pagans Studies from I Peter: Lesson 12 – Pilgrims Need Strength for End-Time Endurance
Christian Reformed Church (CRC)
- Report and Reaction
Christian Reformed Church (CRC), office, women in ecclesiastical office
- Whatever Happened to Office?
International Council of Reformed Churches
- International Council of Reformed Churches
Jesus Christ
- Sociology Without Theology: But Jesus was insistent that His Word “cannot be broken”
aged, elders and deacons, pastoral work
- Ministry to the Older Members of the Church (3) – More Time for Service to the King
feminism, women in ecclesiastical office
- Women, the Bible, and the Church
intermediate state, last things, resurrection of the body
- The Bible and the Future: “The Intermediate State” (I)
- Do We Need Ministers?