Colson, Charles
- The Abolition of Truth: Schueffer’s prediction of tyranny in America is coming true
De Jong, Peter
- Reflections on Church Union
De Koster, Lester
- Holtrop’s Hypothesis (I) – Or Some Questions About: Philip C. Holtrop’s The Bolsec Controversy on Predestination, From 1551 to 1555
Dennison, Jr., James T.
- The Hermeneutical Downward Spiral: Women’s Ordination, Homosexuality and Abortion—Where Are We?
Eppinga, Jacob
- Are We Ready to Decide?
Madany, Bassam
- Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Sittema, John R.
- The Elders and the Sacraments
Thomas, Cal
- A Stirring in the Country
Vander Kam, Henry
- The Importance of Ascension Day
Venema, Cornelis
- The Bible and the Future: The Intermediate State (III)
2 Corinthians 5:1–10, intermediate state, last things, Philippians 1:21–23, resurrection of the body
- The Bible and the Future: The Intermediate State (III)
CRC, women in ecclesiastical office
- Are We Ready to Decide?
Christian view of politics
- A Stirring in the Country
Christians in America, Prison Fellowship
- The Abolition of Truth: Schueffer’s prediction of tyranny in America is coming true
Jesus Christ Ascension
- The Importance of Ascension Day
John Calvin
- Holtrop’s Hypothesis (I) – Or Some Questions About: Philip C. Holtrop’s The Bolsec Controversy on Predestination, From 1551 to 1555
Lord’s Supper, means of grace
- The Elders and the Sacraments
church unity, Independent Reformed Churches
- Reflections on Church Union
evangelicalism, fundamentalism
- Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
women in ecclesiastical office
- The Hermeneutical Downward Spiral: Women’s Ordination, Homosexuality and Abortion—Where Are We?