- A King Like Melchizadek
- Like Apples of Gold in in Settings of Silver (Part 2)
- Reformed Evangelism: Biblical and Confessional Foundations Election and Evangelism (part 2)
- Sound Bites Torch and Trumpet 1956
- Teen Scene: Standing on Air
- The Craze for Amusement
- The Preaching of the Word
- The Spirit of Thanksgiving
- Sound Bites Torch and Trumpet 1956
- The Spirit of Thanksgiving
- A King Like Melchizadek
- The Preaching of the Word
- Like Apples of Gold in in Settings of Silver (Part 2)
- The Craze for Amusement
- Teen Scene: Standing on Air
- Reformed Evangelism: Biblical and Confessional Foundations Election and Evangelism (part 2)
Besteman, Arthur
Kok, Ken
Kok, William
Murphy, Paul T.
Tuinstra, Wm. Jason
Vander Meer, David
Venema, Cornelis
- The Craze for Amusement
- A King Like Melchizadek
- Teen Scene: Standing on Air
- The Spirit of Thanksgiving
- Sound Bites Torch and Trumpet 1956
- Reformed Evangelism: Biblical and Confessional Foundations Election and Evangelism (part 2)
- The Preaching of the Word
- Like Apples of Gold in in Settings of Silver (Part 2)