- A Lesson for the Church from the Death of Tim Bosma
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 21: Not All of Israel... Romans 9:1–13
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 22: I Will Show Mercy... Romans 9:14–33
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 23: The Simple Gospel Romans 10
- Classis Eastern US URCNA Summary Report for April 26, 2013
- Sexual Integrity: Honoring God Inside and Outside of Marriage
- The Bond between the Christian and Christ’s Church (3) Belgic Confession, Article 28
- The Eternal Christ
- The Two Parts of the Heidelberg: Catechism Law and Gospel
- Train Up a Child
- Why We Sing Old Testament Psalms
- Sexual Integrity: Honoring God Inside and Outside of Marriage
- Classis Eastern US URCNA Summary Report for April 26, 2013
- Why We Sing Old Testament Psalms
- The Bond between the Christian and Christ’s Church (3) Belgic Confession, Article 28
- The Two Parts of the Heidelberg: Catechism Law and Gospel
- A Lesson for the Church from the Death of Tim Bosma
- The Eternal Christ
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 21: Not All of Israel... Romans 9:1–13
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 22: I Will Show Mercy... Romans 9:14–33
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 23: The Simple Gospel Romans 10
- Train Up a Child
Boekestein, William
Eenigenburg, Andrew D.
Hyde, Daniel
Kok, Daniel
Lems, Shane
Loach, Jeff
McGraw, Ryan M.
Oord, Wybren
- A Lesson for the Church from the Death of Tim Bosma
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 21: Not All of Israel... Romans 9:1–13
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 22: I Will Show Mercy... Romans 9:14–33
- Bible Studies on Romans Lesson 23: The Simple Gospel Romans 10
- Classis Eastern US URCNA Summary Report for April 26, 2013
- Sexual Integrity: Honoring God Inside and Outside of Marriage
- The Bond between the Christian and Christ’s Church (3) Belgic Confession, Article 28
- The Eternal Christ
- Train Up a Child
- Why We Sing Old Testament Psalms
- The Two Parts of the Heidelberg: Catechism Law and Gospel