- Eight Truths about the Lord’s Supper Based on 1 Corinthians 11:23–30
- Singing in Jerusalem
Arnold, Harry
- The Angel of the Lord (4)
Boekestein, William
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 10: Clean and Unclean Mark 7:1–37
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 9: Ministry Around the Sea of Galilee Mark 6:30–56
Hyde, Daniel
- A Catechism on the Holy Spirit (I)
Kearney, Michael
- Crumbling Creativity – The Philosophical Implications of The Lego Movie
Lems, Shane
- Choosing Leaders and Casting Lots Today
Najapfour, Brian
- Five Kinds of Hearers of God’s Word
Oord, Wybren
- Confraternidad Latinoamericana De Inglesias (Conference of Reformed Churches in Latin America)
- If Christ Had Not Been Raised
Rau, Myron
- The Nursery of the Holy Spirit – Welcoming Children in Worship: Book Review
Schout, Michael
- Why Church Membership Matters
Vander Meer, David
- Christian Zeal
Christian, congregation, member
- Why Church Membership Matters
Christianity, entertainment, faith, moralism, optimism
- Crumbling Creativity – The Philosophical Implications of The Lego Movie
Chronicles, David, Joab, Psalm, sacrifice, Saul, warfare
- The Angel of the Lord (4)
Easter, heaven, resurrection, triumphant
- If Christ Had Not Been Raised
Galatians, service, zealot
- Christian Zeal
James, listen, mirror, wise
- Five Kinds of Hearers of God’s Word
Mark, Messiah, ministry, palm branches, triumphal entry
- Singing in Jerusalem
celebration, communion, consecration, covenant, sacrament
- Eight Truths about the Lord’s Supper Based on 1 Corinthians 11:23–30
church leaders, council, deacons, elders
- Choosing Leaders and Casting Lots Today
church, congregation, Daniel Hyde
- The Nursery of the Holy Spirit – Welcoming Children in Worship: Book Review
disciples, five thousand, heal, miracle, walk on water
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 9: Ministry Around the Sea of Galilee Mark 6:30–56
faith, grace, Heidelberg Catechism, theology
- A Catechism on the Holy Spirit (I)
faith, healing, Pharisee, regeneration, unclean
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 10: Clean and Unclean Mark 7:1–37
mission, Philippians, worship
- Confraternidad Latinoamericana De Inglesias (Conference of Reformed Churches in Latin America)