Second Woman Pastor to Serve Christian Reformed Church • Mary-Lee Bouma to “teach, expound the Word of God, and provide pastoral care” as unordained solo pastor of Trinity CRC, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan (September 2, 1994) RBPS – On Sunday, August 28, 1994, Mary-Lee Bouma became the second female pastor in the 300,320-member Christian Reformed denomination, […]
On March 7, 1995, the North Grand Rapids Ciassis of the Reformed Church in America voted “to remove the Seventh Reformed Church, its property and assets” from the classis and thus also from the Reformed Church in America (RCA). The crisis was precipitated by the General Synod 1993 which required congregations to subscribe for the […]
I am now a member of an orphan church. I refer to the Seventh Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, of which I was once the pastor, and to which I now belong under the excellent pastoral leadership of my successor, the Rev. Dr. John R. de Witt. On March 7, 1995, our classis, the North […]
Successful Premier Kyrie Convention Centers on Lordship of Christ A resounding success-that is an apt description of the Kyrie ‘95 youth convention held July 10–13 at Kettunen Center in Tustin, Ml. Over 160 people (120 young people, 33 sponsors/youth leaders and eight ministers) attended the four-day event which featured as its theme, “The Lordship of […]
GRAND HAVEN, MICH. (February 2, 1996) URNS — Is the Reformed Church in America broad enough to include a local congregation whose senior pastor “proposes that Jesus Christ may not be the only window toward God,” believes that Scripture is “informative, but not normative,” and states that “if the New Testament writers knew what we […]
No Former Synod Officers Delegated to Synod 1996 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (May 6, 1996) URNS – When Synod 1996 of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) convenes on June 10 to deal with the complete issues associated with women in office, homosexuality and other related matters, it won’t have an experienced chairman or set of officers. […]