A Look at Books

GEORGE WHITEFIELD: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE GREAT EVANGELIST OF THE EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY REVIVAL, Vol. 2, by Arnold A. Dallimore. Westchester, Illinois: Cornerstone Books, 1979; first edition, 1980. 602 pages. $22.50. Reviewed by Rev. Jerome M. Julien, minister of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella Iowa. A wait of nearly ten years for Dallimore’s […]

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The Truth Will Set You Free!

How we love freedom! I’ve learned to appreciate my own freedom through voluntary preaching in a local county jail. Going to the jail, leading worship services, encouraging the inmates and preaching God’s Word is always a joy. However, I am also very thankful to be able to freely leave that jail when the services are […]

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Prison Ministry Holds a Solid Reformed Position

Christian Education for Prisoners Crossroad Bible Institute has its origins in the command of Christ to go and make disciples. Our effort to reach prisoners with the gospel was producing significant response from prison to prison. However, Christ’s command to teach new Christians to “obey everything I have commanded” was not being accomplished. The goal: […]

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Divine Hope in a Prison

“We need Reformed systematic theology!” This is the plea that Juan, an inmate at Danville Correctional Center, made to the men from Immanuel United Reformed Church when they held a Bible conference in the prison three years ago. It was a plea they could not forget. The men from Immanuel URC in DeMotte, IN, were […]

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