Who is the Man of Romans 7:14–25?

An Important Question Does Romans 7:14–25 describe the experience of a regenerate man who is speaking in this passage? The answer to this question is very important, for it colors one’s views on several key doctrines of the Christian faith. Charles Hodge may say that “there is nothing in the view [namely that Paul is […]

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“Happiness is . . .”

“Happiness is . . .” the craving of every human heart currently or formerly alive. “Happiness is . . .” something that everyone seeks and very few find. “Happiness is . . .” according to the advertisers, everything from “razor blades that give a s-m-o-o-t-h-e-r shave” to toothpaste producing greater “sex appeal” to detergent that […]

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A Look at Books

The Church’s Witness to the World by PETER Y. DE JONG Pella Publishing Company, Pella, Iowa, Volume II, 1962, 446 pp. The author of this volume must be a prodigious worker. Though he has held some of the busiest pastorates in his denomination practically all of his ministerial li:fe, he has been able to produce […]

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A Layman Lauds His Pastor

We laymen have many obligations to our pastors. We must pray for them, and most of us do. We must check up on their preaching and teaching after the manner of the Bereans, who, having heard the apostle Paul, searched the Scriptures daily to make sure he was right (Acts 17: 11 ). Most of us […]

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Here I Am Lord, Send Me…But Not There

A familiar childhood prayer closes with these words, “If I should die before I wake, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take.” Now consider this modification: “If I should die before I live, I ask, O Lord, what then?” One can only shudder with fear when contemplating the Lord’s answer. Come with me to […]

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