Exodus 12:1–29 In this article we will consider the relationship between the Passover festival and the tenth plague. And in so doing, we will consider how the Passover is a memorial, a feast, and a lasting ordinance, which continues through the Lord’s Supper. When Christians celebrate the Lord’s Supper they are keeping the Passover that […]
Exodus 12:1–20; 13:1–16 The tenth plague, the Passover, and the feast of Unleavened Bread are related events, but they are also events that are distinguished from each other. The Passover, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are liturgical ordinances tied to the tenth plague. Both ordinances are commanded by God, but both ordinances are distinguishable […]
Perhaps you’ve received news that was so bad—the death of a friend, the loss of a job, the disruption of a relationship—that it took some time for the news to sink completely into your psyche. Sometimes our minds need time to process the implications of major life changes. Throughout Mark’s Gospel Jesus increasingly explained that […]