Some Reflections on the Issue of “Separation”

(1) In October of this year it will be 450 years ago that Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the castle chapel at Wittenberg. Usually this act of Luther is regarded as the beginning of the soc. Reformation. As we all know, the Reformation was a very complex event, which can be viewed […]

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Legalism: The Perennial Heresy

The recent, intense media coverage of Islam has provided a reminder of the power and grip that legalism holds upon the human mind. It is a perennial view that we must keep the divine law and thereby earn heaven by human merit. Five centuries ago, Martin Luther drew a radical distinction between the gospel of […]

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Heresy [2] Heresy: What Is At Stake?

Who is a Christian? Can we call those who reject the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith – Christians? Liberal theologians say they believe in God, but what is unclear is why they do so and what they mean by God. They seem to take pride in how far they can push the “theological” envelope, […]

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Heresy – Part 3

The early church never enjoyed a golden age. According to the New Testament, a Christian is someone who believes, receives, and obeys the teachings of the Gospel (Romans 6:17). He knows that the Church is the pillar and ground of truth (1 Timothy 3:15). Before the New Testament canon was even closed, all major heresies […]

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