Last month we saw that Jude 24 teaches us to give God alone the glory because we are forever preserved by God. A second reason as to why The Glory of God has historically been one of The Riches of the Reformed Faith is because of the fact that we will be FAULTLESSLY PRESENTED. Jude […]
More and more Christians are saying, “It doesn’t make any difference what we do with that old, worn out body. Bury it, burn it, make soap out of it. It is all worthless. However, on the basis of a ten year study, I am prepared to say that cremation is 1. Psychologically unsound 2. It […]
It has been correctly stated that we are only a breath away from death. Newspaper obituaries and funerals are a constant reminder of death. To be reminded of the reality of death is not a pleasant thought, yet funeral services occur daily throughout the land. Just as we are surrounded by death, so also we […]
Increasingly, the emphasis at funerals and funeral related events in recent times is to focus on the deceased and to celebrate that person’s life. To some extent, this has already been the practice by some, including churches that seek to eulogize the deceased, or as is often said, “preaching them to heaven.” To accommodate the […]