
20° “OFF-COURSE” A pilot flying North flies a com· pass heading of 360°. To follow this true course requires constant checking of his position and his compass heading. Deviations and corrections must be made for changing wind conditions. Such changes and corrections must take place in the preaching in our churches today or we will […]

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THE TIDE IS TURNING There was a time when the great universities in this country were Christian institutions. Today the Christian witness that once was heard in all of these great centers of learning is being muted, or has already been silenced. Secularism is the new religion to which professor and student alike arc committed. The […]

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ECUMENICITY AND SEPARATION In a booklet by two New Zealand ministers on “Evangelicals and the Ecumenical Movement,” the Rev. J. Graham Miller speaks about “separation,” Mr. Miller is aware of the fact that he belongs to a church that is just as “mixed” in nature as the present-day ecumenical movement. What is his view of the […]

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What They are Thinking

People of Reformed persuasion ought to give more attention to what other orthodox Christians are thinking on the significant issues of our day. Calvinists should take careful note of the orthodox and scholarly Missouri-Synod Lutherans. Particular attention is called in what follows to the statements on ecumenicity and neo-orthodoxy made by these orthodox Lutheran theologians.   […]

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