The Synod of 1967 and Missions

Missions, someone has once said, is the lifeblood of Christ’s church. It is therefore not surprising that also the Christian Reformed synod of 1967 gave attention to this great work which Christ has laid upon it. Although not a synod which was primarily and pre-eminently concerned with this aspect of the church’s ministry, it did take […]

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The Closing of the Christian Mind

In the October issue of The Outlook, we promised a fine by line disclosure and rebuttle of “Understanding Opinions Metaphor” foisted upon delegates to Synod 1993 (CRC) by the Synodical Interim Committee. Dr. Cornelis Venema graciously agreed to do the project. Once again we urge readers to read and refer to “The Understanding Opinions Metaphor” observations which were distributed to […]

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Letter to the Editors

A sincere thank you to the editors of The Outlook for the invitation to respond to the comments of the editors themselves, and to the observations of Derrick Vander Meulen contained in the article of October 1993 “CRC SYNOD 1993 THE FIRST DAY: What the Acts of Synod Won’t Tell You” by Derrick Vander Meulen and […]

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Our response to Dr. Borgdorff’s comments are best expressed by the article of Dr. Cornel Venema in this issue of The Outlook. We urge a careful reading of it. We want to assure Dr. Borgdorff that our problem is not with the sculpture that was chosen. The “Understanding Opinions Metephor” depended on an abstract object […]

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