Of late, more and more leaders in the Christian community are raising questions concerning the practice, in that community. of putting up beautiful, expensive church buildings which are generally used only a couple of hours a week, and for the remainder of the time stand empty. Specifically, the question is: Can the Christian community still […]
The topic, “For Such a Time As This,” may seem as difficult to identify as some of the succulent morsels offered us at this Westminster Seminary smorgasbord. What “time” are we to be thinking about? The theologians—both mature and aspiring—and those who are learning to live with such—recognize that such an innocent monosyllabic word—TIME—is fraught […]
The Christian who is awake repeatedly hears the boastful claims of modern man who, bloated with pride, proclaims himself to be sovereign, self-sufficient and not in need of the Saviour. Arrogant twentieth century man constantly brags about his might and power to create wealth and influence. He vainly worships the creature rather than the Creator, and […]