God’s Men and Doctrines

ATHANASIUS AND THE DEITY OF CHRIST I’ve found one of the most exciting and profitable areas for Christian study to be the history of the Lord’s Church—and more particularly the history of the proclamation, preservation, defense and definition of its gospel doctrines. One of the most revealing points of view from which to approach the […]

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Rise Up! Theologians Among the People

During the time and immediately after the events which led to the Council of Nicea, there were two outstanding men in the Eastern part of the Christian world from whom we today can learn much. These men are acclaimed by historians as the men used mightily by God to state the full truth of God’s […]

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Athanasius, the Son of God and Salvation

Readers of The Outlook may be familiar with Henry Coray’s, Against the World: The Odyssey of Athanasius (1992). This is a brief (yet commendable), popular, fictionalized biography of the champion of Nicene orthodoxy. Inveterate defender of the creed of Nicaea (325 A.D.), Athanasius has been revered by the church catholic for his unswerving insistence on […]

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