Studies in the Canons of Dort – Lessons 22, 23, 24

LESSON TWENTY-TWO ART. 2. “A CORRUPT STOCK PRODUCED A CORRUPT OFFSPRING.” Like Begets like Like begets like. Fallen man begets fallen children. Adam’s sin caused all his descendent’s to be conceived and born in sin, Jesus excepted. The innocent looking babe you saw the other day is not innocent, but came into the world laden with […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dort

LESSON EIGHTEEN ART. 6. CAUSE OF UNBELIEF IS IN THE SUBJECT, NOT IN THE OBJECTIVE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST. The sinner that perishes in unbelief, perishes in unbelief which is his own unbelief. There is nothing defective about the sacrifice of Christ, nor is the sacrifice insufficient to wash away his sin; the trouble lies with […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dort

LESSON SIX Part I Art. 6. ELECTION IS A SOVEREIGN DECREE A. Two-fold activity of the sovereign decree l. God’s grace softens the elect and inclines to faith. It was God’s good pleasure to choose some human beings unto salvation. No man takes the initiative in seeking God, but God graciously seeks those whom he […]

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