Studies in the Canons of Dort – Lessons 22, 23, 24

LESSON TWENTY-TWO ART. 2. “A CORRUPT STOCK PRODUCED A CORRUPT OFFSPRING.” Like Begets like Like begets like. Fallen man begets fallen children. Adam’s sin caused all his descendent’s to be conceived and born in sin, Jesus excepted. The innocent looking babe you saw the other day is not innocent, but came into the world laden with […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dort

PART TWO THE DEATH OF CHRIST AND THE REDEMPTION OF MEN THEREBY OUTLINE OF PART TWO Art. 1. Divine justice requires either:  a. Punishment of sin, or b. Satisfaction for sin Art. 2. Infinite mercy provides the divine way of satisfying divine justice. Art. 3. Death of the divine Son is the perfect sacrifice and satisfaction […]

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Studies in the Canons of Dort

LESSON THREE Part I Art. 2. GOD PROVIDES A WAY OF REDEMPTION A. God’s love manifested How was the redeeming love of God made known? “To manifest” means “to make known.” God made it known in sending his only begotten Son into the world to suffer and die for his people. There is only one begotten […]

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