This completes the Studies on the Canons of Dordt. We wish to thank Miss Timmer for her efforts to make this beautiful confession of the Church alive with the warmth of the Reformed faith. We pray that God will use these studies for a greater appreciation at Scriptural truth in our day. LESSON THIRTY-TWO ART. 10. […]
LESSON TWENTY-FIVE PARTS III-IV ART. 9. FAULT OF REJECTION NOT IN GOD, BUT IN MAN The Gospel Is Faultless The Gospel is not at fault. It is the Gospel of God unto salvation. The Gospel is the good news. There is no bad news in it except for those who reject the good news. The […]
Part I LESSON NINE Art. 11. ELECTION IS UNCHANGEABLE What is the relation between the unchangeability of God and the character of election? You will agree, won’t you?, that God is wise. If God is wise he always uses the best means to the best ends. If so, then election is the best means to […]