In the CRC discussions concerning the Verhey case a strong point was made of Dr. Verhey’s “honesty.” He frankly avowed some of his deviant views when he might have remained silent or sidestepped acknowledging them. (The same observation could be made regarding his dealings with the consistories and classis in t his matter.) After t […]
The case of Dr. Allen Verhey, which was before our Christian Reformed synods two and three years ago (and ought to have been settled then) again confronts the whole denomination as it is to reappear at our next synod. Why should this matter continue to trouble the churches? What makes it worth pursuing for more […]
What is coming to be publicized as the most important religious news in our time is the struggle taking place within traditionally evangelical churches about the infallibility of the Bible. Dr. Harold Lindsell’s best-selling book, Battle for the Bible, did not provoke the struggle, as some critics have alleged; it called attention to it—and it became […]