Mickey Mouse is 65 years old. Over 12% of the US population is 65 or older—over 30million people. The US Federal Government spends nearly 30% of its annual budget on people age 65 and older. By 2025, that amount could well be 50% or over. The fastest growing age group in the US is the 85+ generation. […]
In the last article, I suggested a variety of ways in which ministry to those in nursing homes could be made more significant, more exciting and more profitable. In this one, I want to direct your thinking to your care of the retirees in the life of the church. Some of those who read these […]
In the last two articles in this series, I made several observations in the course of establishing a pastoral strategy for the care of older members. The first was to argue that elders and deacons, not to mention preachers, have a heavy responsibility to care for those in nursing homes. Their special needs, brought about […]