John Calvin as an Ecumenical Figure*

There has been and there is much difference of opinion about the ecumenical ideas of John Calvin. He has been highly praised as a forerunner of the idea of the World Council of Churches (Dr. Nyenhuis); and he has been heavily attacked as a man of terrible intolerance (Stefan Zweig, Favre-Dorsaz). A sou n d judgment […]

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Today’s Battle

A Summary of the Lecture Given by Dr. W. Hendriksen in the Eastern Ave. Christian Reformed Church, Thursday evening, December 9, 1954. Please note that this is not the lecture but a Summary. Mr. President, Friends! The material of my lecture is distributed under five headings, as follows: l. ITS SKIRMISHES Every age has its doctrinal controversies. […]

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Common Grace and Witness-Bearing

“Ye are my witnesses” said Jehovah God to Israel through the mouth of his prophet Isaiah. “This people have I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise” (Isaiah 43:21). In those words are summed up the whole task of the people of God in this world. The New Testament through Peter tells us […]

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