“Concern and Responsibility”

(A review article of the book, Verontrusting en Verantwoordelijkheid, by G. C. Berkouwer, J. H. Kok N.Y., Kampen, 1969, 189 pp., f 9.75). Never before, it seems, have such changes as are taking place in our modern world affected the life of the Church as they are doing today. The advances of science, the explosive […]

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“The Fall of Assen”

A review article of the book, “DE VAL VAN ASSEN,” by DR. J. SCHELHAAS H ZN., Uitgeverij Bolland, Vlaardingen, 1968, 92 pp., f 5.25. Perhaps a fair number of our readers have never heard of Assen, let alone its fall, which is the title of this book under review. Assen is a city of the […]

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Reformed Advance in New Zealand

We have been here now almost two years, though so much has happened in this time that it seems much longer. In Hamilton here, our church has been blessed with steady growth over the years since its founding in November of 1953. I shall not dwell upon the local situation, however, since you will be interested […]

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The Christian Reformed Church has been a part of the American ecclesiastical scene for over 135 years. Heirs of the secession (the so-called “afscheiding”) from the established slate church which occurred in the Netherlands in 1834, the immigrants to America were deter· mined to establish a church that was true to the Reformed faith as […]

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