The efforts to put women in church offices have been causing increasing trouble within our churches as they also have in other denominations. What should decide this matter for any church should not be what most people around us may think, but what God’s Word says about it. The Christian Reformed Synod of 1975 appointed […]

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To Dance or Not to Dance

Young people, feel free to send your questions to Gerard Van Groningen at Reformed Theological Seminary, 5422 Clinton Boulevard, Jackson, Mississippi 39209. Names of those asking questions will not be published. YOUTH ASKS: “I still have problems with the idea that Christians should not dance. I know what Kuyper taught; I also know what the […]

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Does the Bible Teach Sphere Sovereignty?

Young people, feel free to send your questions to Dr. G. Van Groningen at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi (formerly of Dordt College). You may send questions with or without identification. Names of those asking questions will not be published. Don’t hesitate. Send your questions now. “The Bible does not teach it.” “Most Reformed theologians […]

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What About The Living Bible?

Young people, feel free to send your questions to Dr. C. Van Groningen of Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa. You may send these with or without identification. Names of those asking questions will not be published. Don’t hesitate. Send your questions now. Yes, the question, “Is it the true Bible?” is asked repeatedly concerning The […]

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Freemasonry and the Church

DEPARTMENT FOR YOUTH Young people, feel free to send your questions to Dr. Gerard Van Groningen, Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa. You may send these with or without identification Names of those asking questions will not be published. Don’t hesitate. Send your questions now. Recently in a discussion by some students with a teacher, the […]

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Youth Wants to Know

WHAT IS OUR STAND ON MORALITY THESE DAYS? “What is our stand on morality these days?” Seventy-five years ago Dr. Abraham Kuyper wondered if that question would be asked in the future. He, a theologian, churchman, educator, politician and social welfare student, spoke to a United States audience of Presbyterians in Princeton, New Jersey in […]

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Pentecost? Yes! Neo-Pentecostalism? No

Neo-Pentecostalism has become a disturbing development in various denominations, also in the Christian Reformed Church. Leaders are concerned to know how to deal with it. Dr. Gerard Van Groningen, professor of Bible at Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa, in this article tells how the matter was handled in Australia where he served for several years […]

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That Balanced Young Preacher

Extremism or sanity, personal freedom or authority. protest or obedience, revolution or development. Which of these alternatives arc you most concerned about? Possibly none! Why not? Because you don’t wish to be way out, odd? Or because you really don’t care what happens? My essay won’t take any of these alternatives, or part of one, […]

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What Should Come First?

What should come first in the Christian’s life and work? Anyone would quickly answer; the necessary things in life! Though food, clothing, shelter are necessities in life, but not the absolute first things to strive for, these material aspects are not to be included in this discussion of “first things.” So what are the necessary […]

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