The Verhey Case: Dutton, G.R. East, Synod 1976

In this article, Rev. Harry Van Dyken discusses what has come to be known as the Verhey case. He writes: “Classis [Grand Rapids East] and Synod [1976] have both declared that a candidate holding the views alleged concerning Dr. Verhey can be ordained to the ministry and receive the approval of Synod.” Rev. Van Dyken […]

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Report 44 Again at Synod

Rev. Harry Van Dyken is pastor of the Maranatha Christian Reformed Church of Woodbridge, Ontario. In this article he writes concerning two overtures addressed to Synod 1973 dealing with Report 44 (adopted last year) on The Nature and Extent of Biblical Authority. These overtures, one from Classis Pacific Northwest and the other from the consistory […]

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At the request of the board of the Reformed Fellowship, Rev. Peter De Jong of Dutton, Michigan, and Rev. Harry Van Dyken of Toronto (Woodbridge), Ontario have prepared the following preliminary observations on Report 36 (“Nature and Extent of Biblical Authority”). The 1971 Christian Reformed Church Synod decided to “submit the entire report to the […]

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Request for a New Confessional Standard

In Overture 5 to the 1971 Synod of the Christian Reformed Church, Classis Chatham requests Synod to declare “that it is necessary and desirable to re-express the faith of the church in a new confession which will replace the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort as a statement of the truth […]

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