“Postponement of Execution?”

Postponement of execution. This was the startling title of an article written by Dr. J. Plomp in the Gereformeerde Weekblad (Reformed Weekly), August 1, 1980, commenting on the meeting of theReformed Ecumenical Synod in Nimes, France. Dr. Plomp’s observations raise some fundamental questions about the continuation of the RCN (Gereformeerde Kerken in the Netherlands) membership […]

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What We Believe

This introduction to a proposed book on the Belgic Confession was sent in by our Christian Reformed missionary to the Philippines, Rev. J. Tangelder, for publication in the Outlook. The article seems especially appropriate and helpful in meeting current attacks on the creeds and questions in many minds about their rightful place. On this subject […]

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Francis Schaeffer’s Ministry

Editor’s Note: Francis Schaeffer has come to hold a very influential position among evangelical Christians throughout the world especially as a result of his evangelistic work from his base in the village of L’Abri in Switzerland. His books and more recently his films have gotten wide attention. In February, 1978, THE OUTLOOK reprinted his famous […]

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GRACE UNLIMITED. Edited by Clark H. Pinnock. Bethany Fellowship, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1975, 264 pp., $4.95, paper. Reviewed by Rev. Johan D. Tangelder. This symposium was written explictly against Calvinism. Each essay supports one variety or another of the Wesley-Arminian tradition. The contributors are Clark Pinnock who wrote the Introduction and “Responsible Freedom and the […]

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Actualistic vs. Propositional Revelation

In every age of the Church certain key issues have to be faced. One of the vital issues of our time is revelation, Archbishop William Temple quite accurately described the situation when he wrote: “The dominant problem of contemporary religious thought is the problem of revelation, Is there such a thing at all? If there […]

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Business as Usual on Sunday?

Back in 1869, Timothy Eaton decided that it was only proper that the windows of his store be draped on Sunday so that there would no worldly attraction for the public. Just a few years ago this policy changed without any objections from the window shopping public. Gone are many customs of the past. How […]

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What the Reformed Faith Must Mean for Canada

“The Reformed faith,” according to Rev. Johan D. Tangelder, “has a great opportunity in Canada! Is it ready to meet the challenge? I wonder. Too many still seem to be asleep and unaware that ‘everything that was fastened is coming loose.’ Calvinists, who believe in a total message for the total man we need vision, […]

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Higher Criticism in Canada

Johan D. Tangelder, frequent contributor to THE OUTLOOK, is pastor of the Riverside Christian Reformed Church of Wellandport, Ontario. Canada used to have a Christian moral consensus. Now it is living on Christian memories. The influence of the churches has become minimal. Secularism, confusion and pessimism have gained the upperhand. We cannot understand the widespread […]

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Modern Dispensationalism – What Does It Teach?

This is the second installment of Rev. Johan H. Tangelder‘s article on Dispensationalism. Last month‘s contribution dealt with the Dispensationalism of Darby and Scofield. The present installment sets forth the teaching of Modem Dispensationalism and an evaluation of it. Rev. Tangelder is pastor of the Riverside Christian Reformed Church of Wellandport, Ontario. Modern dispcnsationalism is […]

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Dispensationalism – Darby and Scofield

Rev. Johan D. Tangelder is pastor of the Riverside Christian Refonned Church of Wellandport. Ontario in Canada. A frequent contributor to THE OUTLOOK, Rev. Tangelder writes in this and in a following article on “Dispensationalism,” a teaching on which we cannot afford to be uninformed. According to this first article: “The best known intellectual centers […]

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