Why the Church Capitulated III

Why has the Reformed Church in Hungary succumbed to the tremendous pressures which have been put upon it since World War II? Perhaps this question will never be fully and satisfactorily answered. So many factors enter into the picture, that it is almost impossible to see them all and analyze them accurately. Yet we would like […]

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In our previous article we reviewed the three main streams of theological opinion which are found in the Reformed Church of Hungary. These are the fundamentalists, the Calvinists and the Barthians. Now we shall investigate how these various groups worked within the church through their several organizations. This will enable us to understand better how […]

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Few lands have suffered so much throughout the centuries as Hungary. Time and again its people have experienced the blasting of their hopes and the mining of their plans. Discrimination, social and political enslavement, and at times fierce persecution of those who were Bible-believing Christians have been the Jot of this unhappy people. Occasionally dawn seemed […]

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